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When I walk out of the door every morning, no matter where I’m headed, my parents give me a kiss on the forehead and tell me to be a light in a dark world. This daily encouragement comes from Matthew 5:14-16 where Jesus tells us

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

Hi friends. I’m Olivia, and I will be traveling to 4 different countries over the course of 9 months! I am excited, expectant, nervous, and a hundred other emotions that I have yet to get a grasp of. When somebody asks me, “Why are you going on the World Race?” It’s hard to keep it short ‘n sweet because it’s a hard question to answer. 

One thing is for sure, I know this world has a whole lot of hurt and bears wounds that we can’t heal ourselves. There is brokenness that can’t be restored by man alone. We often turn to the comfort of material objects and ideals of our daily lives in order to repair our fractured hearts, but that feeling of satisfaction is short-lived. I know this firsthand, but I also know of all of what God has done for me. I know he is good and steadfast, and that his love is not fleeting. Time and time again I have failed, but I am blessed by his unconditional forgiveness and love. I know this is true, but there are children of God out there who only see the darkness and endure the hurt this world dishes out. As Christians, we are called to build relationships with others defined by genuine love, listening ears, and forgiving hearts. We need to pray that God’s grace and goodness shines through us, so we can be a light to the world.

Since the beginning of my junior year of high school, I have felt God’s call for serving the nations. After praying for wisdom, discernment, and direction, God has finally opened up a series of doors that have guided me here!  This trip will provide me with a life-changing experience, but in the long run, it’s not about me. It’s about putting others before oneself by serving and loving the nations.

Why am I going on the World Race? Here’s my answer, short ‘n sweet; to be the light.

Until next time, 

Olivia 🙂

9 responses to “Be the Light”

  1. Love you so much. I am really nervous for you and pray for you as well as your family. God Bless Baby

  2. We are so excited for you to start this next phase of your life and venture out to spread light in this world. We are beyond grateful for everything your family has done for us and love that you are going to carry a legacy of kindness forward with you. Good luck, Olivia, but we know you don’t need it.

  3. Serving God is the first and only reason we exist! Through tears from someone who adores Jesus Christ – go be a light. Use the sense God gave you!

  4. We are going to miss having your light around, but are excited others will get to experience it! Go change the world!

  5. olivia! this is so beautiful! i’m so excited to grow with you and serve together over the next year! even from just reading your blogs it’s SO evident that you are a light! can’t wait to watch you shine over this trip!

  6. Olivia: I’m so excited for you. Can’t wait to see your light shine in all the places you go. May the Lord Bless you and Keep you safe. Sending hugs and prayers.

  7. We are so grateful that God has put the desire in your heart to fulfill His Great Commission to “go ye into all the world “. We feel very blessed to be a part of this call on your life. We love you and will be praying over you!